Firayalal Public School is a Co-Educational Senior Secondary School from Class Nursery to XII which is divided into 3 wings viz Primary (Class Nursery to V), Middle (VI to VIII), Senior and Senior Secondary (Class IX to XII) sections and is affiliated to C.B.S.E. The School has comprehensive module focussing on academic excellence and improving learning outcome.FPS has a broad-based pedagogical approach to class 11th and 12th covering science, commerce, art & computer science backgrounds.
Firayalal Public School owes its existence to the initiative and inspiration of Shri Harish Munjal; who had a vision to provide all round education that will help in character building and would produce citizens useful to society and nation building. The School was established in the year 1998 with Classes Pre-Nursery , Nursery and Prep .With every passing year one class each was added till Class VIII after which the School was affiliated with C.B.S.E, New Delhi in the year 2007.
A Savoury Blend of Academics, Highly Spiced with Arts, Sports, Service Different experiences.